Saturday, January 15, 2011

SDCard in iPad2? Not!

Saw this morning that everybody is repeating iPad2 will have an SDCard slot, which does not make much sense to me. People keep repeating the same thing over and over without thinking. If you search for "iPad 2 has higher-res screen, SD card" with quotes you get 1200+ hits climbing 20 hits an hour. This morning the number was 1170 hits!

In December I posted in iPad2 Shells that the reported large slot at the bottom did not look like an SDCard slot but more as an extra ventilation, which meant more powerful chipset and graphic chips in iPad2. 

I don't believe Apple is stupid enough to put an SDCard slot in the iPad2. Why? Because SDCards connectors are crappy, they will increase hardware problems especially at the bottom. iPad users are NOT computer geeks and will find ways to insert stuff in reverse and if I was Apple I don't want that. 

In addition Apple makes tons of money on accessories and they sell all sorts of adapters for photo, SDCard, so why would they undercut their own market? The probability of an SDCard socket is low, asymptotically tending to zero.

A new chip set on the other side is certain. Apple current chipset, the A4 is a PA Semi design, the ARM Cortex A8 CPU with Imagination PowerVR
 GPU produced by Samsung. On the graphic side Apple is a large stockholder of Imagination with Intel.

New devices, the iPhone 5 and iPad 2, will most certainly use a 2GHz Capable Cortex-A9 Quad Core Processor Implementation with the latest Imagination PowerVR 
SGX543. That's a quad core CPU.

I would go on a limb here and say that Apple will underclock to 1GHz on a first release then if all goes well, turboboost these devices to twice the speed by a firmware update.

I could be wrong, but I used to design these toys, and that's what I would do. 

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